Thoroughly tested and used by Brent Matthews of Taylor Freezer Company of
Utah for over 15 years, this turn-key, complete accounting and inventory
system is now available at a special price for Swirl Company distributors.
For Swirl Company Distributors, CustomWare Designs
is offering CustomWare® at a very special discount. Call and ask for Ron at 801-840-8300.
CustomWare® for Wholesale/Distribution with Retail and Point
Of Sale
Multiple Locations/profit centers
Multiple companies (subsidiaries or independent companies)
General Ledger
11 Year History
Multiple month & year "open" books - you don't have to close one month
or year to begin entering data in a new month or year.
Financial Statements
Full auditing and audit trails
Bank reconciliations - multiple bank accounts
Accounts Receivable
Order Entry
Work Orders for performing maintenance/repair/installation for customers
Upload to Swirl Company's FTP site your work orders for usage, warranty
and non-warranty parts and machines.
Items "On Sale" with special pricing
Deferred Invoice Posting
Point Of Sale
Fixed Receivables
Notes Receivable
Recurring Sales
Automatically invoice customers for specific parts at specific intervals
- monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, annually.
Mailing List
Contact (potential, or existing customer) tickler system.
Accounts Payable
Print Checks or enter Handwritten Checks
Direct deposit payments - upload payroll or vendor disbursements directly
to your bank.
Cash requirement projections.
Input of received credit memos for Work Orders.
Warranty inventory tracking.
Commissions based on gross profit or sale amount, commissions paid when you
invoice or when the customer has paid the invoice in full.
401K (no income tax on deduction)
3 Cafeteria Options (no income, social security or medicare taxes on deduction)
All federal and state forms and reports
Direct deposit option.
1 to 4 fixed column pricing or 2-4 quantity break pricing columns with suggested
Quick Response/EDI ordering
Inventory levels on each service truck and warehouse
Inventory Placement
Serialized inventory
Serialized history - know what was done, when and by whom on each item installed.
Warranty with warranty tracking
Listings of work orders not sent, not received, etc.
Vendor reconciliation report.
More reporting...
Import vendor's price lists
Reports giving usage by part number, department, category, vendor, style,
color, customer or vendor with sorting by quantity sold/used and/or dollar
volume; hottest or coldest products being sold; many, many more.
Sale pricing for "clearance" items.
Specialized pricing for each customer.
Internet integration
Automatic generation of internet programs
Customer Statements
Open Orders
Order Entry
Invoice and Payment history with detail
Inventory Placement with history
Make Online Payments
Export all master data files for use in Word®,
Excel®, etc.