


  1. Download the appropriate CustomWare® package to a known directory. We recommend:

    • C: for non-unix
    • /u for SCO UNIX
    • /home for Linux
  2. Download the installation program for your operating system (Linux, Windows, etc.) to the same directory where you downloaded the CustomWare® package. The install program contains the appropriate Pragma® files needed to run CustomWare®.

  3. Putty Instructions & Download

For non-Linux systems you will also need a security block or dongle supplied by CustomWare® Designs. The dongle plugs into the parallel (printer - female 25 pin) port. A printer may be plugged into the dongle.

For non-SCO UNIX systems you can run in Demonstration Mode without the dongle but not for very long.

For Linux systems you will need a key code supplied by CustomWare® Designs but you can run in Demonstration Mode but not for very long.


LINUX Click here for non-CustomWare® Pragma® installation instructions.

You must be logged in as "root".

Key in:

  1. cd /home (this directory may change depending on which file system you want to install CustomWare® on).
  2. chmod 111 cwinst
  3. ./cwinst /home

It is recommended that you do not install CustomWare® in the root file system. You must type in the full path of the file system you wish to install to, excluding the terminating "/" character. For example, if you want to install on the /u1 file system you would key in:

  • ./cwinst /u1

If you do not give any file system, CustomWare® will be installed in the root file system (/cw).

After installation you will need to change the CW and cw programs to direct the program to the correct directory where CustomWare® is installed. Key in:

  • cd /usr/bin
  • vi cw
  • press the down arrow once (you will be on the "cd /cw" line)
  • move the cursor using the right arrow key until you are under the "/" character
  • hit the i key
  • key in the path to CustomWare® (for example, /u)
  • hit the ESCape key
  • hit the : key
  • type in x and hit enter
  • cp cw CW

If you make a mistake or wish to start over or not save changes, key in:

  • hit the ESCape key
  • hit the : key
  • type in q! and hit enter

The following items will be created and/or installed:




/home/cw All programs and files required by CustomWare® These will be *.PFM, pragma.des and pragma.log. The files of this directory will have 666 rw-rw-rw- permissions 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/backup Used as the default directory for compressed and non-compressed backups 777 rwxrwrxwx
/home/cw/ep Used for Electronic Payment Files. Stored by Year and Month 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/ep/temp Temporary directory for the actual transfer of EP files 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/ep/payroll EP files for payroll 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/ep/cashdisb EP files for cash disbursements 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/export Files to be exported default to here 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/import Files to be imported default to here 777 rwxrwxrwx
/usr/pragma Directory where "fresh" Pragma files are stored as well as the Pragma Key files. 111 --x--x--x
/usr/pragma/PragmaIdNo The program that creates your system's information for the Pragma Key code. 111 --x--x--x
/home/cw/PRFILES Directory where all printer files go. Everything that is printed uses the spooler and the file created for spooler use is created here. 777 rwxrwxrwx
/home/cw/PRINTERS Directory where all printer device script files go. 777 rwxrwxrwx
/usr/lib/terminfo Directory where the terminal information is stored 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/lib/terminfo/terminfo.lbs The file which contains the terminal information. 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/bin pragma - Program that you may run in the /home/cw directory to get to the CustomWare® START message.
cw - Program you may key in at any Linux prompt to start CustomWare®
CW - Program you may key in at any Linux prompt to start CustomWare®
111 --x--x--x


Key in:

  1. cd /usr/pragma
  2. ./PragmaIdNo
  3. ls -l

A file will be created with a PSI extension. It will be 8 letters: ABCDEFGH.PSI The "ABCDEFGH" will of course be different. This file or the contents of the file will need to be e-Mailed to CustomWare® Designs or uploaded. To find out the contents of the file key in:


The contents will be displayed and they must be sent to CustomWare® Designs exactly as it appears.

CustomWare® Designs will then generate a key code file with the same 8 letter file name but the new file will have a PSK extension and e-mail it back to you. This file must be copied to the /usr/pragma directory. Once it is copied into the directory key in:

  • chmod 666 ABCDEFGH.PSK

You are now ready to begin SET UP. You may key in cw or CW and you will be running CustomWare®.


  1. You must be logged in as "root".
  2. You must have unizip installed.
  3. You must have the Pragma security dongle installed in the parallel (printer) port.
  4. You should have downloaded the following files to the following directories:
    • unzip (should be in /usr/bin) (the install program will make this executable)
    • zip (should be in /usr/bin)(the install program will make this executable)
    • p4_unix.exe (should be at root - /)
    • cwscoinst (should be in directory where you wish to install CustomWare®)
    • CWXXXX.EXE (the CustomWare® package you wish to install) (should be in directory where you wish to install CustomWare®)
  5. You will need to link the kernel and restart the system. You will be prompted when to do this.

Key in:

  1. cd /home/cw (this directory may change depending on which file system you want to install CustomWare® on).
  2. chmod 111 cwscoinst
  3. ./cwscoinst

It is recommended that you do not install CustomWare® in the root file system.

After installation you will need to change the CW and cw programs to direct the program to the correct directory where CustomWare® is installed if it is not installed in the /u/cw directory. Key in:

  • cd /usr/bin
  • vi cw
  • press the down arrow once (you will be on the "cd /u/cw" line)
  • move the cursor using the right arrow key until you are under the "/" character
  • hit the i key (insert) (the x key will delete a single character, the r key will replace a single character)
  • key in the path to CustomWare® (for example, /u1/cw)
  • hit the ESCape key (exits insert mode)
  • hit the : key (waiting for command)
  • type in x and hit enter (writes the file and exits - return to # prompt)
  • cp cw CW

If you make a mistake or wish to start over or not save changes, key in:

  • hit the ESCape key
  • hit the : key
  • type in q! and hit enter

The following items will be created and/or installed:




/cw All programs and files required by CustomWare® These will be *.PFM, pragma.des and pragma.log. The files of this directory will have 666 rw-rw-rw- permissions 777 rwxrwxrwx
/cw/backup Used as the default directory for compressed and non-compressed backups 777 rwxrwrxwx
/cw/ep Used for Electronic Payment Files. Stored by Year and Month 777 rwxrwxrwx
/cw/ep/temp Temporary directory for the actual transfer of EP files 777 rwxrwxrwx
/cw/ep/payroll EP files for payroll 777 rwxrwxrwx
/cw/ep/cashdisb EP files for cash disbursements 777 rwxrwxrwx
/usr/pragma Directory where "fresh" Pragma files are stored. 111 --x--x--x
/usr/lib/terminfo/terminfo.lbs The file which contains the terminal information. 666 rw-rw-rw-
pragma - Program that you may run in the /u/cw directory to get to the CustomWare® START message.
cw - Program you may key in at any Linux prompt to start CustomWare®
CW - Program you may key in at any Linux prompt to start CustomWare®
111 --x--x--x

You are now ready to begin SET UP. You may key in cw or CW and you will be running CustomWare®.


  1. You SHOULD have pkzip installed for automated CustomWare® backups.
  2. Modify /Windows/system32/autoexec.nt to have the following line:
  3. Modify /Windows/system32/config.nt to have the following lines:
    dos=high, umb
    files=150 (this may need to be increased)
  4. Reboot
  5. You must have the Pragma security dongle installed in the parallel (printer) port.
  6. Create a directory on your drive. We recommend: C:Program FilesCW (C:CW for MS-DOS)
  7. Download the CustomWare® package you want into the CW directory.
  8. Download the DOSWIN.EXE installation programs into the CW.
  9. Unzip the downloaded files either by typing them in at the C:>...CW prompt or by double clicking on the programs using Windows Explorer.
  10. The CW.BAT program will execute CustomWare®.

The following items will be created and/or installed:



\cw All programs and files required by CustomWare® These will be *.PFM, pragma.des, pragma.log, terminfo.lbs, CW.BAT and cw.bat, except (used for exceptions to compressed file backup).
\cw\backup Used as the default directory for compressed and non-compressed backups
\cw\ep Used for Electronic Payment Files. Stored by Year and Month
\cw\ep\temp Temporary directory for the actual transfer of EP files
\cw\ep\payroll EP files for payroll
\cw\ep\cashdisb EP files for cash disbursements

You are now ready to begin SET UP. You may key in cw or CW and you will be running CustomWare®. You may also create a shortcut using the \Windows\Command\CW.BAT file. Depending on your operating system you may need to have certain system settings changed or the short cut properties changed.


Pragma 5 is a 32 bit graphical version of Pragma that includes a 32 bit text version of Pragma 4. Currently CustomWare® will only run in Pragma 5 and clicking on the S button (Go To Start). Efforts are being made to enable CustomWare® to run using the P4.EXE program from a command prompt. Pragma 5 is recommended for Windows XP and Windows NT operating systems.

You will need to perform 2 installations IN ORDER.

  1. Pragma 5
  2. CustomWare®


  1. Create a directory on your drive. We recommend: C:\Program Files\CW or C:\CW for MS-DOS.
  2. Download the Pragma 5 installation programs to your download directory. The installation program will allow you to set a path. You may also download this to the directory you just made for CustomWare®.
  3. Download the CustomWare® package you want into the CW directory (or whatever directory you made).


  1. Using Windows Explorer navigate to where you downloaded PRAGMA5.EXE and double click on it. This is a self-extracting zip file which will extract the installation files into the \TEMP directory. You may change the drive letter but you should keep the path set to the root (\) of that drive.
  2. Navigate to the TEMP directory you created and double click on the PRASETUP.EXE program. This will install PRAGMA 5.
  3. On the installation SOURCE section verify the "Source drive, directory".
  4. On the installation SOURCE section change the SOURCE option from "CD ROM, regular files" to "Diskettes, regular files".
  5. Change the DESTINATION DRIVE, DIRECTORY to the directory you created above (\Program Files\CW or \CW).
  6. Check all check boxes (default) in the INSTALLATION OPTIONS section.
  7. Click on the INSTALL button. Pragma 5 should take about 2 seconds to install without errors. If there are errors, verify the options and re-install.


  1. Unzip the downloaded files either by typing them in at the C:>\...CW prompt or by double clicking on the downloaded EXE program using Windows Explorer. This will expand CustomWare® into the current directory. Answer YES to all overwrite questions EXCEPT the PRMSG.PFM file.
  2. When you unzipped the PRAGMA5.EXE file it created a file called PRAGMA.DES in the \TEMP directory of the target drive. Copy this file to the CW directory. Answer YES to overwrite.


You must have the Pragma security dongle installed in the parallel (printer) port.

  1. In the CW directory double click or type in P5.EXE. This will bring you to the Pragma 5 Start Screen.
  2. Click on TOOLS and OPTIONS.
  3. Click on the SECURITY tab.
    • Click on READ DONGLE.
  4. Click on the FILE MANAGER tab.
    • Make sure that:
      • The MAXIMUM RECORD SIZE is set to 32768
      • The PFM NUMERIC REFERENCES ENABLED box is checked.
      • The INTERNAL and EXTERNAL RECORD LOCKING boxes are checked.
  5. Click on the DOS WINDOW tab.
    • Set the FONT HEIGHT to 18
    • Set the FONT WIDTH to 10
    • Set WINDOW ROWS to 25
    • Set WINDOWS COLUMNS to 80
    • Click OK
  6. Close the Options Window.
  7. Exit Pragma 5.
  8. Restart Pragma 5.
  9. Click on the S (Go To Start) button.
  10. At the prompt type in: . (period).

The following items will be created and/or installed:



\cw All programs and files required by CustomWare® These will be *.PFM, pragma.des, pragma.log, terminfo.lbs, CW.BAT and cw.bat, except (used for exceptions to compressed file backup) as well as the Pragma 5 files (P5.EXE, P4.EXE).
\cw\backup Used as the default directory for compressed and non-compressed backups
\cw\ep Used for Electronic Payment Files. Stored by Year and Month
\cw\ep\temp Temporary directory for the actual transfer of EP files
\cw\ep\payroll EP files for payroll
\cw\ep\cashdisb EP files for cash disbursements
Windows Register HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logical

You are now ready to begin SET UP. You may key in P5 and you will be running CustomWare®. You may also create a shortcut to P5.EXE.

Dynamic Link Libraries

To run Pragma 5 you must be able to link dynamically to 2 DLL's that contain the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) library and to a Btrieve library. To properly view the HTML help of Pragma an updated Active X file is needed.

MFC_DLL.ZIP (4-20-99, 595 Kbytes) contains the following files:
MFC42.DLL (9-26-98, 995 Kbytes)
MSVCRT.DLL (1-05-99, 266 Kbytes)

MFC_DEBUG_DLL.ZIP (4-20-99, 595 Kbytes) contains the following files:
MFC42D.DLL (10-27-99, 930 Kbytes)
MFCD42D.DLL (10-27-99, 275 Kbytes)
MFCO42D.DLL (10-27-99, 799 Kbytes)
MSVCRTD.DLL (9-7-2000, 434 Kbytes)

P4_DLL.ZIP (09-01-99, 115 Kbytes) contains the following file used by P4.EXE:
MSVCP60.DLL (06-17-98, 401 Kbytes)

P5_DLL.ZIP(03-21-99, 29 Kbytes) contains the following file:
WBTRV32.DLL (10-25-95, 62 Kbytes)

HELP_DLL.ZIP(09-17-99, 273 Kbytes) contains the following file:
HHCTRL.OCX. (06-23-98, 548 Kbytes)


For Pragma 5 to run you must have the ODBC administrator program installed on your computer.

ODBCDMIN.EXE (11-10-98, 1042 Kbytes) contains the ODBC administrator program, all the necessary files for ODBC and the installation program. If you need some ODBC drivers and examples and don't have them yourself you can request them from us.

Help Files Source

The Pragma Help files (Pragma manual, reference etc.) are in the HTML format and are available on request.

Application Help Files Source

This file contains the zipped .RTF , .HPJ and .HTM files that are used to make the sample help file PRAAPPL.HLP of the tutorial.

P5S_AHEL.ZIP (01-14-00, 13 Kbytes)


CustomWare® is a registered trademark of CustomWare Designs, Inc. All rights reserved.
CustomWare® is a registered servicemark of CustomWare Designs, Inc.  All rights reserved.
All images and designs on this web site are copyrighted© 2021.
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