


Online and/or in-house, tied together.

CustomWare® for Tours will AUTOMATICALLY generate web pages for each tour and automatically update your web site! Enter the information and once and its done!

Presenting an affordable, easy to use tool to manage and control your tours and reservations

  • Extremely user friendly — using your terminology, CustomWare® for Tours was not created for computer wizards, but for tour operators
  • No codes or abbreviations to learn — unlike other products, our intuitive way of managing tours will get you started, literally, in just minutes
  • No duplicate entering of any information — once any information has been entered, it never needs to be repeated
  • No closing of one window to add a new service or service provider - do it right in the same window and continue on with the tour planning
  • Improved time management — you can set reminders associated with tours. Never forget a down payment again, or just use it to manage tasks assigned to others in your office. And the beauty is: reminders can be copied along with tours so you only have to set them once, and they will always be there even for future tours.
  • The security of your information can easily be controlled — you control the access for all the users at your company and outside agents. You can leave it wide open, or restrict access to just those that need it
  • Fast — created to work very quickly on laptops on slow connections, our server and software do all the work
  • Affordable — with several different plans to meet your needs, your entire office, and outside agents, can manage tours for just one flat monthly fee

CustomWare® for Tours is a server integrated &/or web-based software developed exclusively for the tour and travel industry. CustomWare® for Tours lets a tour operator create user accounts for agents and reservationists. These employees can then use the system to make reservations for passengers. We offer easily customizable access levels, so the tour operator can grant or deny access to the different functions. It is very simple to create users that can only make reservations, yet let others view reports, and so on.

CustomWare® for Tours will calculate profitability per tour anytime you request it, show status of reservations for all tours as they occur, and much, much more. CustomWare® for Tours can be used simultaneously by anyone inside or outside your office. Users can access it from cruise ships or laptops using a cell phone connection. The only requirement is on-line access.

CustomWare® for Tours gives you the ability to:

  • Create your own tours, using your own:
    • Destination, departure and return dates
    • Pickup locations
    • Pickup passenger lists by location
    • Hotels and Attractions
    • Transportation methods
    • Tiered, customizable pricing for each tour
    • Dated reminders with each tour
    • Assigned tasks to other users at your company
    • More...
  • Use existing tours as templates for new tours
  • Know the status of each tour, each passenger and more
  • Get updates on the status of each tour whenever you need it
  • Manage your reservationists, agents and tour managers, and limit or grant exactly as much access to each and every member of your staff as needed
  • Allow agents to book tours from satellite locations, while you control that access
  • Makes a reservationists’ job easier and faster
  • Track customer and agent history for your marketing efforts
  • Calculate agent’s commissions
  • Calculate profit by tour.
  • ... and much, much more.

Tour guides can have their notes and guides printed out:

  • Summary of itinerary by time and stop
  • Detailed notes for recital en-route to keep your passengers engaged and entertained
  • Ratings by tour guides of each service the tour provides for future planning
  • Estimated versus actual stop times for better future planning
  • And many more tools for the guide and home office
Please call +801-840-8300 or e-Mail for more information.

CustomWare® is a registered trademark of CustomWare Designs, Inc. All rights reserved.
CustomWare® is a registered servicemark of CustomWare Designs, Inc.  All rights reserved.
All images and designs on this web site are copyrighted© 2021.
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