

  Property Management

Property Management is not the normal software system. You are collecting money from property owners and tenants, paying out to property owners, tenants and contractors, mortgage companies and more. CustomWare® for Property Management takes all the headaches out of the process. CustomWare® can be used and customized by residential or commercial property management.

You may have preferred contractors for each property for those necessary repairs and maintenance. Owner and contractor statements can be automatically uploaded to the web for instant access and status of each property or work order. Amoung the many features that CustomWare® offers these are but a few:

Property Owners

  • Full accounting integration for up to the minute financial statements.
  • Access everything via the web in real time.
  • Detailed information on each property as to income and outgo
  • Tenant listing, including those properties without tenants.
  • Payments to mortgage companies, contractors and advertising and all outgo to the property.
  • Computes the net income or loss to the property owner and creates a payment or invoice.
  • Scheduled maintenance by property for routine maintenance such as furnace filters, hot water heater draining, landscape maintenance, carpeting and more.
  • Enter a work order for repair or maintenance. Once the work order is complete and entered, it updates the property history, the owner statement, makes an invoice for the contractor and or an invoice for tenant (should they be responsible). One entry, all done.
  • Import payments by tenants from bank statements as well as bank reconciliation.
  • Much, much more...


  • Monthly statements can be snail mailed or e-mailed or not mailed.
  • Date of lease/contract expiration
  • Access everything via the web in real time.
  • All contact information.
  • Collect payments electronically
  • More...
If you are using one escrow account, many escrow accounts or no escrow accounts, CustomWare® handles it.

Payments can be made by printed check or direct deposit. Owner statements can be e-mailed in PDF format as well as tenent statements.

With a full accounting system, for you as well as your clients, payroll, 1099s and more for you. CustomWare® Property Management is the only software you will need.


CustomWare® is a registered trademark of CustomWare Designs, Inc. All rights reserved.
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