


CustomWare® Designs is a full service computer software and hardware vendor. Our main product or service is software but in order to provide the best service possible, we also sell and service all types of hardware that our customers may need. If ever there is a problem, you, the client, make one phone call to our service center and whether the problem is software or hardware related, we are responsible to fix it. No more arguing between a hardware vendor telling you its a software problem and a software vendor telling you its a hardware problem. We don't care what the problem is -- hardware or software -- it is our responsibility to fix it and fix it NOW.


CustomWare More about CustomWare®


    • For you to accomplish more with less time, effort & costly resources
    • Save time through streamlined desktop organization & integration
    • Quick Response and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to lower your inventory levels by as much as 60% without losing sales. The average CustomWare® user decreases their inventory level by 40%. By increased productivity through the streamlined design and keyboard based interface your overhead costs are kept down
    • Over 40 years of the best service to our current & future clients/customers. At one time CustomWare® Designs had 9 branch and regional offices but because our quality of service declined we closed those offices and consolidated into one, intense location to provide the absolute best in product and support. What our clients think of us and that they think the very best is our highest priority. We are proud to say that we have a 99% extremely satisfied customer base. We are working on that 1%.

CustomWare® is a fully functional "base" program consisting of all accounting functions integrated to all sub systems. One entry updates everything. It is comprised of a General Ledger, Depreciation, Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, Work Order, Invoicing, Accounts Payable, Cash Disbursements, Purchasing, EDI, Quick Response, Payroll, Inventory, Warranty Tracking, Mailing Lists, Collections and Web integration programs and more. From this base system industry specific applications have been designed and implemented including Point Of Sale, Wholesale Distribution, Garment Manufacturing and Silk Screening and other manufacturing programs including those requiring parts explosion with sub-assemblies and raw materials.

Because of our over 3 decade history of providing the best custom software, our base packages have over 130 user definable options that can be set to customize the software to meet your specific needs without any intervention of a programmer. Updates keep the software current with payroll and sales tax laws and other business innovations required for today's dynamic business.

Updates to CustomWare® are free* and available from our ftp site. Updates include new enhancements, new sub-systems and bug fixes. Yes, we sometimes encounter a bug. With over 130 user-settable choices there are over 15,000 possible combinations of CustomWare® so on occasion we encounter a particular combination that requires a fix. Our biggest problem is that most of our customers do not avail themselves of the free updates (CustomWare® works for them!).

When the need arises, we also make custom modifications to the CustomWare® to create a totally customized software system to meet your exact needs.Additionally, we can make custom changes or additions to CustomWare® that we feel enhance the overall usefulness of CustomWare® and when this happens, there is no customization fee!

CustomWare® runs on several operating system platforms including ancient MS-DOS® or Novell, SCO UNIX, Linux, and all Windows® platforms (except Vista). CustomWare® is installed in one variation or another in thousands of businesses world wide.

CustomWare® is a keyboard based program. We believe in productivity and efficiency in business applications and graphics based programs (those using a mouse, etc.) slow an operator down by as much as 90%. For a client that requires a graphics based program (Windows® platform only) we can provide it at an additional cost of ,000.00 U.S.

Web Design & Integration

CustomWare® contains the ability to produce for you web pages, automatically, that allow you to immediately get online. CustomWare® makes Perl programs for interactive online ordering, support HTML pages and more. Enter a few needed parameters and push the button. It can also automatically upload those files to your web site! We use Perl because it will run on 99% of the world's servers and we believe that the world is your potential customer base. All applications use SSL (when necessary) - the method to secure information for your customer so that it cannot be intercepted by internet pirates.

We believe that a web site should serve its purpose. We define a web site's purpose as:

  • Providing potential customers with all the information they need to become a customer and to find that information quickly.
  • Fast loading, easy-to-find information and easy-to-navigate through the site.
  • Provide support to existing customers to better service them.
  • Provide existing customers with the ability to manage their account and view their history.
  • Provide existing and potential customers with your company's progress news, innovations and future plans.

You have noticed that on this site we do not use a lot of graphics or fancy sub-windowing. We COULD do this, but we are more interested in you finding what you are looking for and spending your time reviewing that information than we are in showing off our great talent. All of these things slow down the loading of a web page - and tax the patience of the viewer. For existing customers, they are on your site to place an order, find the status of an order or something else that the site provides. Potential customers want information. Neither of them are interested in waiting for large or a lot of graphics or all the little bells and whistles to load.

While we in the U.S.A. use high-speed, broad bandwidth internet access, most people in the world do not. Most of your customers and potential customers do not. What might take me 1/2 second to load could take 1 minute or more for the majority of the world's internet users and while we pay a single monthly fee for unlimited telephone use, most of the world's telephone customers pay by the minute -- even to call the neighbor next door!

We can provide you with any application with any graphics, video, web cams, scripting, flash graphics and more. We can and will do as you desire and we also try to balance the need to look spiffy with the need of the site-user to be satisfied.

Auto-Generated internet applications available at the push of a button:

  • Home page with links to other CustomWare® generated pages
  • Customer Log-in for privacy and secure ordering
    • Customer profile and password file containing all pertinent customer information
  • Sales Tools for sales reps
    • Sales reps can place orders, check inventory status, view history, or any other function they may need to service an existing customer or make the sale to a new customer. They can use their cell phone, internet enabled tablet or laptop.
  • Customer Ordering History with invoice status.
    • Paid Invoices up to 10 years (customizable how much history you upload)
    • Open Invoices
    • Payment history by invoice
    • Payment history by payment date
    • Item usage search
    • Make payments online via credit cards and/or direct deposit (requires some modification to accommodate your subscription service).
  • Inventory
    • Description and pricing catalogs with 1 price (what you sell it for) to 6 prices (suggested retail, up to 4 column or quantity pricing columns and a "clearance" price).
    • In-Stock status
    • Ordering
    • Computation of Sales Tax (Selective states - by you)
    • Computation of Freight charges (UPS, FED EX)
    • Photos of each item in your inventory or by style.
  • Records Management
    • Status of each box and file
    • Create requests for service (pickup, delivery, special services, etc.)
    • View open requests for service
    • View current invoices
    • Upload new boxes or files (files will be added to any in-inventory box, boxes will be added upon confirmation of receipt)
    • View contents of each box (JPEG or PDF file of each page in the box, stored by file record)
    • Update box and file record descriptions, destruction dates
  • Search engine for your entire site.
  • Auto uploading of all necessary data to the internet site. These updates can be set to load once a day or constantly repeating for near-real time information.


Training is available by appointment at any time in your offices. By appointment we can train your employees on your site - no limit on the number of employees we train for most purchasing options. Training is usually a 3 day event. We have noticed that most of our customers do not avail themselves of training because CustomWare® is so easy to use.

CustomWare® manuals in Microsoft Word® format or Rich Text Format (RTF) can be downloaded from our ftp site and is already available by pressing the ALT-H key combination from anywhere within CustomWare®.

SupportClick for details


We can supply all necessary hardware -- from complete systems to individual parts -- needed to implement the integrated, web-interfaced office you desire or give you recommendations for the hardware and let you buy it from another supplier.

Since most of our clients are outside the United States, we use only top-quality hardware with the highest reliability ratings.


We maintain what we sell. We provide complete hardware and software maintenance. We use StarWest as our supplier for servers and workstations. They are a full service hardware and operating system provider since 1985 making them the oldest computer supplier in Utah. Which compliments us as being the oldest software provider in Utah. Out of state and out of country clients can use our national partners that repair our systems. If a part or system is sent to us it will be back on your doorstep with 48 hours of our receiving it. We hate down time and do what is necessary to make sure that you do not have any and when you do, that it is minimal.

Operating Systems

CustomWare® currently runs on Linux servers. We use a free program called Putty to log into the server. Putty runs on Windows and cell phones. Set up and maintenance is no problem for our people.

We design the best system, based on your needs. Regardless of your company's size, whether its a One-Man operation working in one location or an intercontinental/trans-global corporate conglomerate using WANs, LANs, etc., we can install and service all components of your system.

Back ups

Backing up is one of the most tedious and seemingly insignificant tasks that having a computerized system requires. We provide the service of backing up your software -- on and off site -- so that you will not worry about it. Nothing is worse than having a catastrophe and on top of losing equipment, having no backup or a backup that is 6 months old.

We back up data on other hard drives, CDs, DVDs and provide secured FTP backup that allows you to download your backup data from anywhere at anytime (logins to specialized -unique to you- web addresses are required).


Servers sometimes will get funky but still operational. We usually do not discard old servers but replace whatever part is needed, if needed, fresh install the most current version of Linux Mint and set it up as a "Ready Backup" server. Nightly your current data and programs are backed up to this server so that it is identical to your current server every morning. Should a catastrophe strike, the Ready Backup is used until the current server is repaired or replaced. For larger companies we can install a Ready Backup at the time of initial installation as well.

We provide power supply backups and auto-shutdown software for your hardware to protect your software and data as well as offsite backup service.

For more information on our recommendations, your options - free to you or we provide, click here.

* Updates are for non-customized systems only. Most often updates involved government forms which, once written and debugged take little time to re-write them in your system. Sometimes, there is a charge for this.


CustomWare® is a registered trademark of CustomWare Designs, Inc. All rights reserved.
CustomWare® is a registered servicemark of CustomWare Designs, Inc.  All rights reserved.
All images and designs on this web site are copyrighted© 2021.
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