



  1. Download the appropriate Pragma package to a known directory. We recommend:
    • C:\ for Windows
    • / for SCO UNIX
    • /tmp for Linux

For non-Linux systems you will also need a security block or dongle supplied by CustomWare® Designs. The dongle plugs into the parallel (printer - female 25 pin) port. A printer may be plugged into the dongle.

For non-SCO UNIX systems you can run in Demonstration Mode without the dongle but not for very long.

For Linux systems you will need a key code supplied by CustomWare® Designs but you can run in Demonstration Mode but not for very long.

installp (fresh) Pragma 4 files may be downloaded here.



  1. You must be logged in as "root".
  2. You should have downloaded to the /tmp directory.
  3. You should have downloaded linuxinst file to the /tmp directory.
  4. Key in:
    • cd /tmp
    • chmod 111 linuxinst
    • ./linuxinst

The following items will be created and/or installed (black=program or system file):

Directory where "fresh" Pragma files are stored as well as the Pragma Key files. 777 rwxrwxrwx
/usr/pragma/PragmaIdNo The program that creates your system's information for the Pragma Key code. 111 --x--x--x
Directory where the terminal information is stored 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/pragma/terminfo.lbs The file which contains the terminal information. 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/bin/pragma Program that you may run to get to the START message. 111 --x--x--x

The pragma directory (permissions = 777 rwxrwxrwx) should have in it (all permissions 666 rw-rw-rw-):

  • pragma.des
  • terminfo.lbs

These files may be the same as the original Windows files (if copying from existing Pragma applications). They may be copied via ftp or CDROM. Copying using Windows Explorer has not been verified.

After navigating to your Pragma directory, you should be able to type in, "pragma" and come to START. You will now run Pragma in DEMO mode.


The "pragma.des" file:

  • Needs to be in lower case and all other files are in upper case.
  • MUST have "WRITE NOUNS = NO". If this option is set to "yes" only 1 user will be able to access pragma.
  • If transferred from an MS-DOS (Windows) system:
    • Must have the "_M" character deleted from the end of each line (vi pragma.des, move arrow keys to be under _M, hit "x", when finished, hit ESC, :, x)(dd deletes an entire line, R replaces multiple characters, r replaces one character).
    • Must have the PRINTER = LPT1 (or other non-Linux recognized printer port) either deleted or changed to an appropriate default printer device).
    • Must have the COMMUNICATIONS = COM1 (or other non-Linux recognized communications prot) either deleted or changed to an appropriate default communications port).

The "pragma.log" file that is generated after coming to START will need to have permissions set so all applicable users can have access (chmod 666 pragma.log).


To run in normal mode you will need a security key code.

Key in:

  1. cd /usr/pragma
  2. ./PragmaIdNo
  3. ls -l

A file will be created with a PSI extension. It will be 8 letters: ABCDEFGH.PSI The "ABCDEFGH" will of course be different. This file will need to be e-Mailed to CustomWare® Designs or uploaded.

CustomWare® Designs will then generate a key code file with the same 8 letter file name but the new file will have a PSK extension and e-mail it back to you. This file must be copied to the /usr/pragma directory. Once it is copied into the directory key in:

  • chmod 666 ABCDEFGH.PSK


  1. You must be logged in as "root".
  2. You must have unizip installed.
    To install the unzip program:
    • Download the file unizip.exe.
    • Copy the download file onto a DOS diskette.
    • Uncompress the file onto the floppy (run the executable)
    • On UNIX system perform a doscp a:unzip /usr/bin
    • On UNIX system perform a doscp a:zip /usr/bin
    • On UNIX system perform a doscp /usr/bin
    • On UNIX system perform a doscp a:readme /usr/bin/
    • chmod 777
    • unzip addcr
  3. Download onto a DOS disk (or UNIX). It will fit on one floppy.
  4. If copied onto a DOS floppy disk as root copy the file to the UNIX root directory:
    • doscp a:p4_unix.exe /
  5. Key in the following command (after having installed unizip) unzip -d p4_unix.exe
    • cd /tmp
    • ./init.pragma
    • Select appropriate operating system (U for UNIX)
    • Kernel boot by default? answer yes
    • Rebuild kernel environment = Y
  6. Reboot system
  7. You must have the Pragma security dongle installed in the parallel (printer) port.
  8. You should have downloaded the following files to the following directories:
    • unzip (should be in /usr/bin) (the install program will make this executable)
    • zip (should be in /usr/bin)(the install program will make this executable)
    • p4_unix.exe (should be at root - /)

The following items will be created and/or installed:

/usr/pragma Directory where "fresh" Pragma files are stored. 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/lib/terminfo/terminfo.lbs The file which contains the terminal information. 666 rw-rw-rw-
/usr/bin/pragma pragma - Program that you may run to get to the START message. 111 --x--x--x


  1. You must have the Pragma security dongle installed in the parallel (printer) port.
  2. Create a directory on your drive. We recommend: C:\Program Files\Pragma (C:\Pragma for MS-DOS)
  3. Download the DOSWIN.EXE installation programs into the Pragma directory.
  4. At a DOS (command) prompt type in:
    • cd c:\programs\pragma (or cd \pragma)
    • doswin

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