


If you cannot find the problem or the solution does not work, please DO NOT HESITATE to contact CustomWare® Designs: email: Telephone: +801.840.8300

My files names are all in lower case Printing
Vocabular error Network Errors
Security error
Standard error
Message error
Log file error
Operating in DEMO mode
When starting CustomWare® screen troubles and freezes

A note on DEBUG screens. There is an option in Pragma that turns debugging on or off. The default - and recommended setting is ON. This can be inconvenient at times but with debugging set to off, Pragma simply aborts. The DEBUG screen should not actually be seen when CustomWare® is set up correctly. However, at times there can be an error or bug that has not been reported. REPORT ALL ERRORS! The solutions are not complex but one does have to read the actual error/debug message.

My files names are all in lower case SCO UNIX
When using the unzip program the files may be uncompressed to lower case names. All file names EXCEPT pragma.des must be in UPPER case. When first installed, the uncompressing program, zip, often uncompresses in lower case. There should be a program called unixrename OR linuxrename as part of the installation programs.

If you do not have the rename program it is probable that you did not download or downloaded the wrong operating system installation program.

  1. Download the correct installation file for your operating system.
  2. chmod 777 unixrename
  3. ./unixrename
Vocabulary error MS-DOS/WINDOWS Missing or corrupt PRVOCAB.PFM file. Check to see if you have the PRVOCAB.PFM file.

Copy new PRVOCAB.PFM file to CW directory.

If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.

Missing or corrupt PRVOCAB.PFM file. Check to see if you have the PRVOCAB.PFM file. If is there but in lower case:
  1. rename prvocab.pfm PRVOCAB.PFM

Copy new PRVOCAB.PFM file to CW directory.

If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.

The file name must be in upper case:

  1. rename prstd.pfm PRVOCAB.PFM

The file name must have read/write permissions:

  1. chmod 666 PRVOCAB.PFM
Security error MS-DOS/WINDOWS No security dongle.
  1. Obtain a security dongle/block from CustomWare® Designs.
  2. Install on parallel (printer) port LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3.
No Parallel Port Install a parallel port card, LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3
Printer is plugged into back of dongle but not online.
  1. Do not plug printer into back of dongle. If this solves the problem, plug printer in and make sure it is selected (online).
  2. Put the printer online (select).
SCO-UNIX No Security Dongle
  1. Obtain a security dongle/block from CustomWare® Designs.
  2. Install on parallel (printer) port /dev/lp0, /dev/lp1 or /dev/lp2.
No Parallel Port
  1. Install a parallel card. Install per instructions.
  2. mkdev parallel.
Parallel port installed Check permissions:
  1. chmod 777 /dev /dev/lp0
  2. chmod 777 /dev/lp0
  3. chmod 777 /dev/sc
Printer is plugged into back of dongle but not online.
  1. Do not plug printer into back of dongle. If this solves the problem, plug printer in and make sure it is selected (online).
  2. Put the printer online (select).
Permissions on CustomWare® directory chmod 777 /u/cw

chmod 666 /u/cw/*

LINUX Wrong security key The security key code that is in use is for a different computer or version of CustomWare®. Obtain a new key code from CustomWare Designs.
Standard Error MS-DOS/WINDOWS Missing or corrupt or wrong version of PRSTD.PFM file. Check to see if you have the PRSTD.PFM file.

Copy new PRSTD.PFM file to CW directory.

If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.

SCO UNIX Missing or corrupt or wrong version or permissions on PRSTD.PFM file.
  1. Check to see if you have the PRSTD.PFM file.
  2. Copy new PRSTD.PFM file to CW directory.
  3. If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.
  4. The file name must be in upper case: rename prstd.pfm PRSTD.PFM
  5. The file name must have read/write permissions: chmod 666 PRSTD.PFM
LINUX Missing or corrupt or wrong version or permissions on PRSTD.PFM file.
  1. Check to see if you have the PRSTD.PFM file.
  2. Copy new PRSTD.PFM file to CW directory.
  3. If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.
  4. The file name must be in upper case: rename prstd.pfm PRSTD.PFM
  5. The file name must have read/write permissions: chmod 666 PRSTD.PFM
Message error MS-DOS/WINDOWS Missing or corrupt or wrong version or permissions on PRMSG.PFM file.
  1. Check to see if you have the PRMSG.PFM file.
  2. Copy new PRMSG.PFM file to CW directory.
  3. If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.
SCO UNIX Missing or corrupt or wrong version or permissions on PRMSG.PFM file.
  1. Check to see if you have the PRMSG.PFM file.
  2. Copy new PRMSG.PFM file to CW directory.
  3. If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.
  4. The file name must be in upper case: rename prmsg.pfm PRMSG.PFM
  5. The file name must have read/write permissions: chmod 666 PRMSG.PFM
LINUX Missing or corrupt or wrong version or permissions on PRMSG.PFM file.
  1. Check to see if you have the PRMSG.PFM file.
  2. Copy new PRMSG.PFM file to CW directory.
  3. If transferred using FTP, re-transfer using BINARY mode.
  4. The file name must be in upper case: rename prmsg.pfm PRMSG.PFM
  5. The file name must have read/write permissions: chmod 666 PRMSG.PFM
Log file error WINDOWS 2K, XP, NT
A log file is generated and updated each time Pragma is started or ended.
If this file is missing it is automatically created.
Permissions are not set correctly.
  1. Windows - set read/write permissions
  2. UNIX/Linux:
    chmod 666 pragma.log

The pragma.log file was renamed to PRAGMA.LOG.

  1. rename PRAGMA.LOG pragma.log
Operating in DEMO mode MS-DOS/WINDOWS Missing security dongle or wrong security block Missing security dongle - see security error

If you obtained a security dongle from CustomWare® Designs then the dongle has gone bad or you have the wrong dongle for the version of CustomWare® you are trying to run.

  1. Obtain the correct security block from CustomWare® Designs.
LINUX Missing, wrong, permissions on security key code file. Wrong security key code file - see security error

Missing security key code file

  1. Obtain a security key code file from CustomWare® Designs and place in the /usr/pragma directory.

The key code file cannot be read. Check Permissions

  1. chmod 777 /usr
  2. chmod 777 /usr/pragma
  3. chmod 666 /usr/pragma/*.PSK)
When starting CustomWare®
screen clears and freezes
The pragma.des file is not set correctly.

When the option of WRITE NOUNS in the pragma.des file is set to YES, you can only work in one user mode. A second user must wait until the first user has quit Pragma.

Set the pragma.des WRITE NOUNS option to NO.

On the active screen:

  1. Get to the Pragma START message
  2. Hit the F1 key
  3. Navigate with the right arrow over to OPTIONS
  4. Hit the down arrow until you are on VARIOUS PARAMETERS
  5. Hit the down arrow until you are on WRITE NOUNS BACK TO DISK
  6. Hit the F7 key
  7. Hit the down arrow (or up) until the option reads NO
  8. Hit the ESCape key until you return to the START message.
  9. Press the ENTER key to return to your operating system.

A needed file is missing.

The file listed is the LONG NAME of the file. There are two names of all files - the long name and the short name. The short name is the name of the actual file in your CustomWare® directory. The long name is the name used when programming.

This error should not occur! Other errors may happen that you may or may not see but will feel. There is usually an End Of File marker in most files and if this is missing, the program that is trying to get something out of the file will abort. You should CONTACT CustomWare® Designs IMMEDIATELY. email or call +801.840.8300.

Type in: AEX and press the ENTER key. This will return you to the operating system command prompt or close out your shortcut window.

Restart CustomWare.

  1. At the START message, type in:
  2. CPF (hit the ENTER key) This command erases the file and if an error message comes up, HIT THE ESCAPE KEY AND CALL SUPPORT.
  3. The long name of the missing file.

A needed file is missing or is in lower case or does not have the permissions set correctly.

The file listed is the LONG NAME of the file. There are two names of all files - the long name and the short name. The short name is the name of the actual file in your CustomWare® directory. The long name is the name used when programming.

This error should not occur! Other errors may happen that you may or may not see but will feel. There is usually an End Of File marker in most files and if this is missing, the program that is trying to get something out of the file will abort. You should CONTACT CustomWare® Designs IMMEDIATELY. email or call +801.840.8300.

Type in: AEX and press the ENTER key. This will return you to the operating system command prompt or close out your login session.

Verify that the file is there or not there. It may be in lower case or have incorrect permissions.

The file name must be in upper case:

  1. rename filename.pfm FILENAME.PFM

The file name must have read/write permissions:

  1. chmod 666 FILENAME.PFM

If the file is not there:

  1. Restart CustomWare.
  2. At the START message, type in:
  3. CPF (hit the ENTER key) This command erases the file and if an error message comes up, HIT THE ESCAPE KEY AND CALL SUPPORT.
  4. The long name of the missing file.
  5. Return to the command prompt.
  6. Key in: chmod 666 FILENAME.PFM


The value of a variable (noun) is not a pure number. Most common are imported numbers that contain a comma.

At the DEBUG prompt key in:
  1. ENV (hit ENTER)
  2. The name of the noun in the error message
  3. Hit the backspace key until there is nothing on the line
  4. Type in a number. If the content has a number somewhere in it, use that number. If not you may key in either 0 or a very large and unique number such as 999999999 so that you may see where the problem actually occured.
  5. CONTACT CustomWare® Designs IMMEDIATELY. email or call +801.840.8300.


This problem should not occur. It is most common when an operator keys in data that exceeds the normal value and CustomWare® thinks that the record being saved is not new.

  1. Hit the ENTER key.
  2. CONTACT CustomWare® Designs IMMEDIATELY. email or call +801.840.8300.


A record should be in the file that the program is trying to get. This should not occur!

  1. Hit the ENTER key.
  2. CONTACT CustomWare® Designs IMMEDIATELY. email or call +801.840.8300.

Network Errors

SCO UNIX On boot up the system stops for about 2 minutes, gives an error and then no network connections work.
  1. The NIC must be installed according to manufacturer's instructions. For 3COM cards you must first install the driver, rebuild the kernel and turn the system off. Then install the NIC and turn the system on. There should be no delay.
  2. Make sure you have the correct driver for your card and UNIX version.
  3. Make sure your card is seated correctly.
SCO UNIX There is no delay on boot up but there is also no communications.
  1. Verify using netconfig that your NIC is not conflicting with other hardware
  2. When setting up the NIC you need to make sure that several settings are correct. You need the following information:
    • IP Address
    • Gateway Address
    • Netmask
    • Broadcast Address
  3. As root run "netconfig".
  4. You should have the HW SCO TCP/IP Loopback driver installed.
  5. You should have the SCO TCP/IP protocol installed with:
    - LMC Runtime System
    - SCO NFS Runtime System
  6. Verify the information in your etc/resolve.conffile. If this file is not there it needs to be made. The information is:
    • domain {tab}
    • nameserver {tab} primary DNS address
    • nameserver {tab} secondary DNS address
    • nameserver {tab} gateway address
  7. Verify that you have an "route add" line in your /etc/rc.d/8/userdef file:
    • route add gateway address
  8. If you have made any changes, reboot your system.
public_html 755
data 755
cgi or pl 750
incoming 755
js 750
css 750/644
txt 644

CustomWare® is a registered trademark of CustomWare Designs, Inc. All rights reserved.
CustomWare® is a registered servicemark of CustomWare Designs, Inc.  All rights reserved.
All images and designs on this web site are copyrighted© 2021.
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