All Operation
Standard Verb
Input/Output Operation
Target = LENGTH (LT)
Accepts alphanumeric input from the keyboard and edits a noun. All data is considered an expression. Numeric noun values are converted to an expression. Certain keys are allowed for editing, while any other control character ter- minates the input and its value is stored into a specified noun. LENGTH contains a count of the characters accepted.
INPUT STRING using layout NUMBER into the noun NOUN terminating key into the noun NOUN2 NUMBER is the maximum number of characters that can be edited and must be a number or a noun containing a number greater than 512. NOUN is the noun to be edited. NOUN2 is the noun to receive the terminating control character.
INPUT STRING is not really an input, but rather an editing verb.
Layout must be a number or a noun containing a number greater than zero. Layout theoretically has no upper limit, but practical considerations will limit it to a manageable size.
The cursor will be positioned to the start of the noun string. If the first character typed is not an editing key, the entire field is cleared to spaces and you can type a new string.
The following editing keys are allowed:
INS Toggles insert mode on/off. DEL Delete character above cursor and scroll characters. BACKSPACE Deletes character to the left of the cursor and scrolls the characters above and to the right of the cursor to the left by 1. LEFT ARROW Moves the cursor to the left by 1. RIGHT ARROW Moves the cursor to the left by 1. HOME Moves the cursor to the start of the value. END Moves the cursor to 1 past the end of the value. CTRL-LEFT Deletes everything to the left of the cursor and scrolls characters above and to the right of the cursor left to the home position. CTRL-RIGHT Deletes everything to the right of the cursor. ESC Restarts. Clears the current value and redisplays the original value. The first character delete and replace action is disabled.
Any other control character will terminate the input.
The key is remappable and may be substituted by another key, thus freeing the key for other duties.
The noun that is to be edited must not contain any control characters, because the underline key (control character) is not allowed. Any disallowed key generates a beep.
All data is considered ASCII. Numeric noun values are converted to ASCII. Numeric data entered is not converted to a number. This feature is useful for leading zero numeric expression data.
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