

All Operation

Expand All      ADDENDUM
EXCHANGE ALL XA Standard Interactive-only Verb Operating System Operation
Target =

It is the equivalent of EXCHANGE except that it replaces all occurrences of
an item with another item in all verb and file definitions in the vocabulary.
You can select the range (or all) you want to exchange.

Use this verb with care. The changes it makes are global, and if not thought
out properly could cause very serious problems, which are difficult to undo.

EXCHANGE ALL occurrencies of ITEM1 with ITEM2

ITEM1 and ITEM2 can be numbers, nouns, expressions, files or user defined ver-
bs, including object verbs or standard words. Both items must be of the same
type. Both items must already be in the vocabulary.



EXCHANGE ALL is the equivalent of EXCHANGE (XC) except that it replaces all occurrences of an item with another item in all verb and file difinitions in the vocabulary. Please consult the reference of EXCHANGE for the instructions on how to exchange an item.

When using EXCHANGE ALL, you can select the range of verbs or files you want to exchange. Or you can select all of them.

Use this verb with care. The changes it makes are global, and if not thought out properly could cause very serious problems. It is best to make a backup of your vocabulary before using this verb.

For example, if you exchange all occurrences of an item with another item that already occurs in the system, it will probably be very difficult to undo the exchange. Suppose there were occurrences of 1's and 2's before an exchange and you exchange all the 1's with 2's. You realize then that you wanted to retain some of the 1's. You will not be able to restore the 1's using EXCHANGE ALL without affecting all of the 2's. This is illustrated below.

Before the EXCHANGE ALL: 1 1 2 2
EXCHANGE ALL 1's with 2's: 2 2 2 2
EXCHANGE ALL 2's with 1's: 1 1 1 1

The original 1's are restored, but the original 2's are now 1's.


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